Wednesday, January 13, 2010

34 weeks

We had another ultrasound today to monitor the baby's growth and he or she is measuring a little bigger than normal, but not too bad.  They are estimating 5 lb's and 9oz's right now.  We discussed the due date with the doctor and he thought we were due 2/10, but by dates and everything it is still 2/20 - he looks through paperwork and previous ultrasounds - sits back and says, "as for means of delivering...", yikes!  Please don't say the C word!  He thinks we should consider delivering a week early - by induction, if all goes well and it's not too stressful on the baby we should be able to deliver normally, but it seems like I shouldn't be surprised if they mention cesarean again.  I see the midwives again next week, I'm sure they'll be all for natural delivery so I'm not too worried about any surgery at this time.  Also, the ultrasound tech couldn't get any really great pictures.  We laughed that the bigger the baby gets the worse the pictures are!  We could see great bone structures like the femur, spine and ribs, we also got a front of the face view (chubby cheeks and all!).  The baby is still head down and in perfect position for delivery! 

This is the face shot, you can see the eyes, nose, chubby cheeks and little button chin!  I think the round thing underneath is a fist.