Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More to come...

Here are a few 6-month photo's of our Ruby - there are more to come as we'll be picking up her studio shots this Friday!  These were taken at my Mom's house.  She seems to be practicing looking into the future in this "crystal ball"!  Drake was a key participant in teaching Ruby to sit on her own!  First we sat her next to him thinking he'd support her, which he did, but then he moved away and she stayed!  My Mom and I were so excited that she was able to sit on her own, I guess we forgot to get pictures of it! 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Half Birthday!!!

Can you believe this big girl is 6 months old already!?!?  To celebrate her half birthday she got to visit the pediatrician.  Here are her new stats:  weight 16lb 9oz (64th percentile), height 26.5 inches (79%), head circumference 17" (73%).  Over 16 lbs!!!  What, what!?!?

Ruby, (we think blonde) likes long walks around the block, continues to enjoy bananas and sweet potatoes, is a pro at blowing raspberries with food or drool in her mouth, giggles when you make funny faces at her, enjoys a good song and dance routine, dances a jig in her "Johnny Jumper" and is potentially practicing for Riverdance, makes googly eyes at her Daddy and spits up on her Mommy routinely.  Oh, and has taken to her puppy Drake who has become very patient!  Good boy Drake!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Road Tripping Ruby

Ruby's Travel Journal
July 31 - August 2, 2010

On my way up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
I decided to give Dad a few driving tips! 
It's important to have fun!
But don't forget, this is serious business Dad, be careful!

I got to meet my Great Aunt Lola!
And some of my Dad's cousins...

We went to see the "Ski-Ters" water ski show, everyone said it was a great show - I snoozed, Mom put this silly neon necklace on me!

We stayed in a river front cottage.

Mommy, Daddy, and me!

Here they go with the camera again!  
Looking very Hollywood, aren't I?!

Daddy took Mom and me out on a little boat tour.  It was nice, but...
Whoa, have you seen these toes? 
Mom and our tour guide...

Grandpa and me

Saying goodbye, Grandpa and Grandma get to stay for a few more days!  Back to the old nap schedule for me!