Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Delay in posting

I had a wonderful baby shower on Sunday and I'm slacking on posting info and pictures about it due to a nasty head cold!  I promise, details will be posted soon!  The good news is that the baby is super active right now, even with me being sick so that's one thing I don't have to worry about.  Ok, back to bed...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

30 Week Ultrasound

So, because I'm a "mature" mother-to-be, I got to have a 30 week ultrasound to be sure all is progressing well with the munchkin.  The doctor says that everything is looking good, baby is head down and they are estimating that the baby weighs 3 lbs and 9 ounces already!  I'll probably be returning to their office for another ultrasound or two to watch the baby's size.  I have to start monitoring my blood sugar, and with this being an issue the baby could grow a little too big too quickly, so we'll be watching it.  Other than that all is well, the little bugger seems to like practicing it's Riverdance routine on my ribs!  10 more weeks to go!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pregnancy exemptions

I was taking my CPR renewal class tonight and thought it was nice that I was exempt from doing the Heimlich Maneuver on the mannequin simply because I was pregnant.  This got me to thinking about the other pregnancy exemptions I get to take advantage of, like shoveling!  Then, because of the snow on the ground and its slippery nature, I do believe I'm exempt from dog doody pick-up!  Sorry Kevin.

I'll have a new baby update post next week, after our 30 week ultrasound.  Stay tuned...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Toucan Sam, or Samantha? Hmmm...

The latest addition to the nursery...
I see this fella every time I walk out of my bedroom
and sometimes I think, "I really like it!",
and sometimes I think, "why is it watching me!?".

Monday, November 16, 2009

Baby's room in the making

This room is the smallest in the house and actually started off as the dogs room!  Back when the big boys were crated, it was the the best place to put a Great Dane size crate.  It wasn't just where we put the dogs, it was decorated like a dog room, picture frames, little art things, etc.!  But now, it will be the baby's room.  We're going from dog theme to jungle theme!  Here are a few pictures to give you an idea.

The tree frog only took a few hours to do, not bad (I think) for my first time!  The palm tree, well that took quite a few more hours - I didn't count them!  Start to finish it probably took me a week and a half working on it here and there.  I think I'll be adding something else, maybe a colorful bird or some turtles somewhere, but I think for now I'm taking a little break!

Friday, November 6, 2009


I have no new baby news to report, all is going well and the little munchkin is growing just fine.  25 weeks tomorrow, so only three more weeks and it's the third trimester!  Dum da dum dum.

So in this case I'll just report on the dogs... 

Drake - he who doesn't understand why he can't comfort the couch 24 hours a day - still enjoys a good romp in the yard, searching for squirells, bunnies, chunks of grass to pull up, perimeter patrol for other dogs, and a nice twig to chew on...

As for J.J., remember that "ball of the day" I mentioned before?  Hello November 6th ball...  You can see this one has met the lawn mower, but it's still one of his favorites, and one of ours I must say!  Ahh, quiet.  He sure doesn't act like a 9 year old when it's ball time.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

J.J. in the Jungle...

Ok, so I really want to stress the fact that I did not pose J.J. for this picture.  Kevin and I were working on the nursery and taking some pictures.  I looked down at the rug and there's J.J. trying to hide himself amongst the other jungle animals!  He's perfectly covering the giraffe's head.  What a cutie.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday...

J.J. turned 9 yesterday!  For his birthday he got three new squeaky balls.  He has a bad habit of bringing his ball of the day outside - which typically gets left outside to meet the doom of the lawn mower - thereby loosing the squeak.  So for now the house is loud again with the sounds of J.J. playing ball, all day long if he could - or actually I should say if WE were willing!  We just may need to introduce these new balls to the lawn mower before baby arrives!  Sorry J...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

20 Weeks

We're half way to baby day!  20 weeks along now and we had another ultrasound today.  Everything is looking good, they think the 2/20 due date is still right on, and they think the baby weighs about 12 ounces!  Before you ask - NO we didn't find out the sex of the baby!  It's still a surprise!  The baby is moving a lot now, I actually think he or she is trying to send S.O.S. messages to Colorado...  These ultrasound pictures are not the greatest, I guess baby is camera shy already!  In the profile picture you can see the head/nose and I think that's an ear...  The other shot is of its feet.  Can't see any bunions...  Hmm...  what could that mean?  ha ha.

Camping by the Mississippi

We definitely had a nice relaxing time camping in Thomson, Illinois.  Sure it was a little cold, a little windy, but still relaxing all the same!  I definitely have to give kudos to Kevin for being prepared for the cold, he even bought a heated blanket for the trip!  Our site was not quite as fabulous as I had dreamed - in fact we had to pick a new site otherwise our fire pit would have been right on top of the massive RV that was parked a little too close to our site.  We were across the road from the river, not right on it.  Anyway, it was a nice time and we would certainly love to return to this campground.  There was also this great farmstand nearby that sold HUGE pumpkins for a steal of a price.  Another great nearby place to visit is the Mississippi Palisades State Park which would be really great for a fall colors drive!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Camping plans...

We're planning a camping trip in October with sites right on the Mississippi!  Can't wait to see this campground and I hope the pictures I found online of other campers will be close to what we'll experience!  The campground is in Illinois about 45 minutes South of Galena.  The campsite I reserved is right on the waterfront also!

This may be our last camping trip before the little munchkin arrives!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nursery bedding

We're going to start decorating the nursery soon! Kevin's Mom bought us this fabulous bedding set for the baby! I'll post some new pictures when we're done painting the room and fixing up some of the older furniture we're using.

Friday, September 11, 2009

So crafty...

Love this button! Is this me, or what!? We'll be 17 weeks tomorrow! Feeling great, looking forward to our 20 week ultrasound coming up! Thinking about nursery bedding/theme - who knew there was so much to choose from! And really, how do you pick a stroller, car seat, crib, pack and play??? To bassinet or not to bassinet, that is the question! I think my brother had it right...can we just borrow some one else's kid and test out baby products?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

11 Week Ultrasound

Oh come on now, look at that little nose and that belly! Too cute. Please welcome little baby Wickman to the site! This ultrasound was from our first trimester screening. I was around 11 weeks. My midwife was proud to announce the results of the blood test wich revealed that my chances of having a baby with Downs was the same as a 19 year old... ehemmm... a 19 year old!
I think the numbers were 1 in 4,900.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Something new

Ok, just wanted to have a little fun with this. This really is just a test, and I'm really just typing this for myself. Hmmm... I wonder how many people will actually read it and laugh at me. Well, anyway, I wanted to start this blog thing and see if it really would be an easy way to share fun family info. We'll see...