Wednesday, December 16, 2009

30 Week Ultrasound

So, because I'm a "mature" mother-to-be, I got to have a 30 week ultrasound to be sure all is progressing well with the munchkin.  The doctor says that everything is looking good, baby is head down and they are estimating that the baby weighs 3 lbs and 9 ounces already!  I'll probably be returning to their office for another ultrasound or two to watch the baby's size.  I have to start monitoring my blood sugar, and with this being an issue the baby could grow a little too big too quickly, so we'll be watching it.  Other than that all is well, the little bugger seems to like practicing it's Riverdance routine on my ribs!  10 more weeks to go!


  1. monitor blood sugar? does that mean no more famous dave's bread pudding for you? It'd be a real shame if Kev and I had to go without you. real shame.

  2. Look at that beautiful baby head! I'm getting so excited! I haven't seen you forever at :(
