Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Ruby says, "I want a baby high chair from Santa".  When asked if she knew what Fiona might like for Christmas she said, "I will ask for Fiona to get a puppy and Mr. Grinch."  No... I didn't put her up to asking for a puppy!  Santa did tell Ruby she was on the nice list, I'm wondering if he's been watching closely enough.  Haha...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Polar Express & Zoo Lights

Polar Express at Blackberry Farm in Aurora with cousins!  Unfortunately I had no luck snapping pictures on the train, nor could I get these cute kids to look at the camera, but here's what I've got...

For more seasonal fun we spent a wonderful evening out with some friends to check out the Brookfield Zoo lights this past weekend.  Ruby, Fiona and Devin LOVED taking their picture with this lovely llama...

Afterwards, Ruby's favorite - the carousel.  The kids also saw a magic show!  It was a fun night!

Note to Devin's mom and dad:  Ruby was pretending to make food for her friends tonight after our dinner, I asked what her friends names were and she said, "they are Keith and Lily."  So cute!

Thanksgiving 2012

I'm a little late posting this!  I just wanted to get it in before Christmas!  I was supposed to work Thanksgiving but somehow I fell into the greatest work shift switch ever...  Someone wanted to work the Wednesday and Thursday of Thanksgiving to have that following weekend off.  Why yes, of course I'll switch with you!

For Fiona's first Thanksgiving we spent the first half of the day at Grandma and Grandpa Wickman's house...

Yep, you saw right... Fiona got her own chair next to Grandma!  Funny!

Then on to Aunt Arlene and Uncle Den's home.  These sisters are seriously head over heals for each other!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

6 months

Likes applesauce
Loves bananas
Tolerates rice cereal

Laughs quite easily these days
...especially if you are Ruby

Sucks her thumb at sleep times
won't take a pacifier anymore

Rolls from belly to back
sits on her own

she's learning to play the piano
so far singing is not her musical talent


Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Real Halloween Pictures

Wonder Woman!
 Bat girl! 
 Check out this perfect little monkey!
 Oh no, the bad guys are breaking down that house...  Wonder Woman can rescue the good guys, and Bob the Builder can build them a new home!
 What?  They're not home?
 A kind hearted Wonder Woman petting the pup.
 Trick or treating is hard work!

I couldn't help but add these pictures...
 Fiona's got her nose!
 Storm Trooper Wonder Woman - a new kind of super hero!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween 2012

OK...  I seriously didn't intend on buying all of these photos but how in the world do you say no!?  It was technically a pirates and mermaids special event, naturally we had to get Ruby in for some pirate photos but it really was the mermaid shots that turned out the best.  Ruby was definitely more fascinated with the pirate map than posing.  Fiona made a perfect little mermaid too!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Back to Starved Rock today!  We had Brunch with Grandma and Grandpa Wickman.  They have an awesome brunch for sure!  We saw a lot of pretty fall color in the trees but many had already lost all of their leaves.  Ruby was quite fascinated with a lady bug - in the bottom picture you can see it on the top of her fingers.  Fabulous weather today - great day for a drive! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mini Me

I predict that one day Ruby will say, 
"and I shall call her Mini Me"...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Little Late...

Okay, so this is a little late, but I was looking through Kaity's graduation pictures and look at this awesome one I found!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Illini State Park 2012

As a camping group we returned to Illini State Park to camp for a weekend in September.  This year we added a few friends including Grayson, Seth, Lydia & Fiona!  This just might be the first trip we've had where it didn't rain!  Well, it did rain the Friday we arrived, but before we set up.  Maybe our luck has changed!  We stayed in a cabin instead of the camper to avoid the set up time.  Looking forward to using the pop-up again!  
Until next year...


Ruby is pretty addicted to collecting rocks to throw into the river.
Fiona is becoming addicted to her feet...
Sleepy gals

 Lydia's first tent camping trip!


Throwing rocks, but not at the boys!