Saturday, March 9, 2013

Family Day

We had an awesome day today with some of Kevin's family!  They came down from Wisconsin to spend some time in Chicago and we were lucky enough to spend a day with them!  We spent some time strolling through Brookfield Zoo then had some pizza at Giordanno's.

 Cousins!  Kaity, Amber, Ciera, Ruby and Fiona...
 Awesome picture of Kaity!

 On to Giordanno's.  Mmmmm, Giordanno's...

Stacy and Kevin...  Ruby kept asking me, "why are there two Stacy's?" Too cute!

 I predict that Ruby won't stop talking about Ciera for weeks!  They had a great time playing together!
 There are not too many pics of Fi and I together!
 Jake and Kaity...
Today is the day Fiona fell in love with goldfish crackers...  She would have eaten them by the handful if I would have let her!
 Introducing Walrus Bill...  and Walrus Ruby...
 My girls!
 The gang...