Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rock Cut

We camped at Rock Cut State Park and this is what Ruby had to say about it:

I'm practicing my Elvis lip curl

This is my foot

Uh -huh, huh.

Did I show you my foot?

This little piggy stayed home...

Whoa, is that drool?

Can I hitch a ride?

My Auntie Dainta

Chillin with my peeps.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The 4th and an intro to chores

Ruby celebrated the 4th with her first big girl high chair experience, and a nice nap at breakfast!

It's never to early to introduce children to chores, is it?

5 Month pictures

Thursday, July 1, 2010

No brain is safe from the Zombie Baby!

It all started with an innocent ride on Daddy's shoulders.
Then she became...

Zombie Baby!!!