Thursday, October 15, 2009

J.J. in the Jungle...

Ok, so I really want to stress the fact that I did not pose J.J. for this picture.  Kevin and I were working on the nursery and taking some pictures.  I looked down at the rug and there's J.J. trying to hide himself amongst the other jungle animals!  He's perfectly covering the giraffe's head.  What a cutie.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday...

J.J. turned 9 yesterday!  For his birthday he got three new squeaky balls.  He has a bad habit of bringing his ball of the day outside - which typically gets left outside to meet the doom of the lawn mower - thereby loosing the squeak.  So for now the house is loud again with the sounds of J.J. playing ball, all day long if he could - or actually I should say if WE were willing!  We just may need to introduce these new balls to the lawn mower before baby arrives!  Sorry J...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

20 Weeks

We're half way to baby day!  20 weeks along now and we had another ultrasound today.  Everything is looking good, they think the 2/20 due date is still right on, and they think the baby weighs about 12 ounces!  Before you ask - NO we didn't find out the sex of the baby!  It's still a surprise!  The baby is moving a lot now, I actually think he or she is trying to send S.O.S. messages to Colorado...  These ultrasound pictures are not the greatest, I guess baby is camera shy already!  In the profile picture you can see the head/nose and I think that's an ear...  The other shot is of its feet.  Can't see any bunions...  Hmm...  what could that mean?  ha ha.

Camping by the Mississippi

We definitely had a nice relaxing time camping in Thomson, Illinois.  Sure it was a little cold, a little windy, but still relaxing all the same!  I definitely have to give kudos to Kevin for being prepared for the cold, he even bought a heated blanket for the trip!  Our site was not quite as fabulous as I had dreamed - in fact we had to pick a new site otherwise our fire pit would have been right on top of the massive RV that was parked a little too close to our site.  We were across the road from the river, not right on it.  Anyway, it was a nice time and we would certainly love to return to this campground.  There was also this great farmstand nearby that sold HUGE pumpkins for a steal of a price.  Another great nearby place to visit is the Mississippi Palisades State Park which would be really great for a fall colors drive!